To tie or not to tie, that is the question

When and where to wear a tie? Articles discussing this have appeared in Country Life and in today's Daily Telegraph, prompted by comments from the director of the V&A.

Professor Martin Roth is not only the first foreign director of the Victoria and Albert Museum - he's also the son of a tailor. "It's where my passion for textiles and great quality goods came from". He's a dapper figure, always impeccably dressed in suit and tie, but he has commented that few people in London wear ties now.

Savile Row tailors reckon a suit is incomplete without a tie. Actor David Walliams agrees: "You should always wear a tie with a suit". If you are not wearing a suit, whether to wear a tie can depend on where you are, what you are doing, what you feel comfortable with, and - importantly - what is expected in that situation.

For some people, their job requires a style of clothing that often includes a suit and tie. At certain events or formal occasions a tie is appropriate. For more casual wear, ties still have their place - such as woollen ties worn with country cords and a tweed jacket. There are also other ways to accessorise an outfit, including handkerchiefs and braces.

If in doubt about what to wear for a certain occasion, contact us for a chat on 01874 623613. We can advise on formal dress in the UK and abroad. And if you need to buy or hire a specific item of clothing, get in touch and we'll do our best to help. Meanwhile, as one of the Savile Row tailors said, "Professor Roth should wear his tie with pride".


Photo credit: John Millar, Country Life





19th January 2012
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