Black braces complete the baker's boy look for musician David Okangba

Our clip-on black braces were just what musician David Okangba needed to complete his new look - and the extra extra long (XXL) option for very tall men provided him with the perfect fit.

David, from Penzance in Cornwall, is putting together artwork and images for his album design. As he told us, "Having just completed my home recorded solo debut album, I've decided to try a period Baker's Boy look".

It's always interesting for us to know how our customers use our products, and we were especially delighted when David added: "I've enclosed a few pictures sporting your Groovy Braces". We're really impressed with how David's wearing our black braces, and have reproduced two of his photos here.

David's a busy man, working on his music, his autobiography, and developing a website. We certainly hope to keep up to date with David's progress - and see how he continues to model our XXL black braces!

2nd October 2012
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